
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Cherry YN Wong” ,找到相关结果约6659条。
Acupuncture transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation reduces discomfort associated with barostat-induced rectal distension: A randomized-controlled study
Wing-Wa Leung,Alice YM Jones,Simon SM Ng,Cherry YN Wong
World Journal of Gastroenterology , 2013, DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i3.381
Abstract: AIM: To explore the effectiveness of acupuncture transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (Acu-TENS), a non-invasive modality in reduction of rectal discomfort during barostat-induced rectal distension. METHODS: Forty healthy subjects were randomized to receive 45 min of either Acu-TENS or placebo-TENS (no electrical output) over acupuncture points Hegu (large-intestine 4), Neiguan (pericardium 6) and Zusanli (stomach 36). A balloon catheter attached to a dual-drive barostat machine was then inserted into the subjects’ rectum. A step-wise (4 mmHg) increase in balloon pressure was induced until maximal tolerable or 48 mmHg. Visual analogue scale and a 5-point subjective discomfort scale (no perception, first perception of distension, urge to defecate, discomfort/pain and extreme pain) were used to assess rectal discomfort at each distension pressure. Blood beta-endorphin levels were measured before, immediately after intervention, at 24 mmHg and at maximal tolerable distension pressure. RESULTS: There was no difference in the demographic data and baseline plasma beta-endorphin levels between the two groups. Perception threshold levels were higher in the Acu-TENS group when compared to the placebo group, but the difference reached statistical significance only at the sensations “urge to defecate” and “pain”. The distension pressures recorded at the “urge to defecate” sensation for the Acu-TENS and placebo-TENS groups were 28.0 ± 4.5 mmHg and 24.6 ± 5.7 mmHg, respectively (P = 0.043); and the pressures recorded for the “pain” sensation for these two groups were 36.0 ± 4.2 mmHg and 30.5 ± 4.3 mmHg respectively (P = 0.002). Compared to the placebo group, a higher number of participants in the Acu-TENS group tolerated higher distension pressures (> 40 mmHg) (65% in Acu-TENS vs 25% in placebo, P = 0.02). The plasma beta-endorphin levels of the Acu-TENS group were significantly higher than that of the placebo group at barostat inflation pressure of 24 mmHg (1.31 ± 0.40 ng/mL vs 1.04 ± 0.43 ng/mL, P = 0.044) and at maximal inflation pressure (1.46 ± 0.53 ng/mL vs 0.95 ± 0.38 ng/mL, P = 0.003). CONCLUSION: Acu-TENS reduced rectal discomfort during barostat-induced rectal distension and concurrently associated with a rise in beta-endorphin level.
Comparative Analysis of the Level of Social Integration in Cattle Farmers’ Groups in Banjarnegara District, Indonesia
M Sugiarto,YN Wakhidati
Journal of Animal Production , 2007,
Abstract: Pembentukan dan pengembangan kelompok peternak akan dapat meningkatkan kekompakan dan kebersamaan antar peternak dalam melakukan aktifitas usaha peternakan. Melalui kelompok peternak, anggota akan bersatu dan bekerja sama untuk menjadikan mereka lebih berdaya (empowered). Integrasi sosial (social integration) di dalam kelompok peternak merupakan faktor yang penting dalam upaya peningkatan proses pemberdayaan anggota dan keberlanjutan kelompok ternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan tingkat integrasi sosial peternak dalam kelompok peternak yang digolongkan berdasarkan tingkat perkembangan organisasi (organizational development) di Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Ketiga golongan kelompok peternak tersebut adalah pemula (beginner), madya (intermediate) dan lanjut (advance). Delapan kelompok peternak yang terdiri dari 145 peternak dipilih sebagai responden dengan menggunakan metode pengambilan sample berjenjang. Data tentang tingkat integrasi sosial dikumpulkan menggunakan kuisioner terbuka dan tertutup. Uji Kruskal-Wallis digunakan untuk membandingkan tingkat integrasi sosial pada tiga golongan kelompok ternak berdasarkan tingkat perkembangan oganisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa integrasi sosial peternak di dalam kelompok peternak di Kabupaten Banjarnegara sudah cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan uji Kruskal-Wallis, tingkat integrasi sosial peternak menunjukkan perbedaan (P<0,05) pada ketiga golongan kelompok ternak yang ada di Kabupaten Banjarnegara (pemula, madya dan lanjut). Peternak pada kelompok peternak golongan lanjut (advance) mempunyai rata-rata tingkat sosial integrasi yang relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada kelompok peternak golongan pemula (beginner) dan madya (intermediate). (Animal Production 9(2): 184-189 (2007) Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan, integrasi sosial, tingkat perkembangan organisasi
South Africa—Serious about Biodiversity Science
Michael Cherry
PLOS Biology , 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0030145
Positron emission tomography and X-ray computed tomography: tools for mouse phenotyping?
SR Cherry
Breast Cancer Research , 2003, DOI: 10.1186/bcr671
Zur Parodie als Forschungsoption jenseits des Performativit ts-Metadiskurses Parody as a Performative Analytic: Beyond Performativity as Metadiscourse La parodia como analítica performativa: Mas allá de la performatividad como metadiscurso
Scott Cherry
Forum : Qualitative Social Research , 2008,
Abstract: Mittlerweile wird in verschiedenen Forschungsbereichen eine Wendung hin zum Konzept der Performativit t vollzogen, um zu verstehen, wie unterschiedliche Lebensweisen performativ hervorgebracht werden. Zugleich überrascht es, dass sich diese Wendung zu einem Verst ndnis einer performativ erzeugten Welt meist weiter auf Metadiskurse beschr nkt, die an ein positivistisches Wissenschaftsverst ndnis angelehnt bleiben. Diesem Vorgehen verpflichtete Untersuchungen lokalisieren das Performative als in der Welt existierendes Ph nomen, das dieser Welt vorg ngig ist und zugleich durch diese verfügbar wird. Solche Metadiskurs-Praktiken sind in ihrem Kern Strategien der Autorisierung der (Vor-) Existenz einer performativen Welt und bringen dann auch spezifische Grenzen hervor, innerhalb derer Performativit t fassbar werden soll. Auf diese Weise erscheint das Performative jedoch selbst als quasi naturalisiertes Objekt. Im Unterschied hierzu versuche ich zu zeigen, dass ein tats chlicher "performativer Turn" nur gelingen kann, wenn die eigenen (Forschungs- und Pr sentations-) Praktiken in einer Weise reorganisiert werden, dass sie kompatibel zur performativen Verfasstheit der Alltagswelt sind. Hierzu skizziere ich zun chst, wie das Konzept der "Performativit t" in der zeitgen ssischen Diskussion verwandt wird. Anschlie end stelle ich die "Parodie" als besondere, reflexive Variante von Perfomativit t vor, die Forschung im Zuge der Performanz erm glicht. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0802258 Various domains of inquiry have engaged a shift to the concept of performativity as an organising principle for how forms of life are performatively brought into being. What appears surprising is that this move towards a performatively emergent world is displayed insensitively through metadiscourse practices inherited from positivist science. Performative inquiry locates "the performative" as a domain of phenomena "out-there" in the world, preceding it but only made available by it. This mode of metadiscourse practice is a strategy to authorise the prior existence of a performative world, which then sets specific boundaries within which "the performative" can be known. This approach to inquiry does not so much exemplify a performative world in its own performance of it, as describe it, offer accounts about it and remarks on it. Here, the domain of the performative becomes another naturalised object. This article proposes that, if this performative turn wishes to take seriously and engage a performative world, then it must reconfigure its own modes and forms of practice such that they too a
A field guide or a handbook?
Michael Cherry
South African Journal of Science , 2011, DOI: 10.4102/sajs.v107i11/12.964
Education and training need the involvement of all levels of government
Michael Cherry
South African Journal of Science , 2011, DOI: 10.4102/sajs.v107i7/8.850
Square Kilometre Array decision bodes well for South Africa
Michael Cherry
South African Journal of Science , 2012,
How should university research be funded?
Michael Cherry
South African Journal of Science , 2012,
New green paper on higher education lacks a clear vision
Michael Cherry
South African Journal of Science , 2012, DOI: 10.4102/sajs.v108i1/2.1101

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